Related Papers on Emotion
Cavanaugh, Lisa A., James R. Bettman, Mary Frances Luce, (2015). “Feeling Love and Doing More for Distant Others: Specific Positive Emotions Differentially Affect Prosocial Consumption,” (Forthcoming at Journal of Marketing Research).
Cavanaugh, Lisa A., Deborah J. MacInnis, and Allen Weiss (Forthcoming), “Perceptual Dimensions Differentiate Emotions,” (Forthcoming at Cognition and Emotion).
Zemack-Rugar, Yael, Rebecca Rabino, Lisa A. Cavanaugh, and Gavan J. Fitzsimons (Forthcoming). “When Donating Is Liberating: The Role of Product and Consumer Characteristics in the Appeal of Cause-Related Products”,” (Forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology).
Cavanaugh, Lisa A., Keisha M. Cutright, Mary Frances Luce, and James R. Bettman (2011), “Hope, Pride, and Processing During Optimal and Nonoptimal Times of Day,” Emotion, 11(1), 38-46.